Answers /

Can we edit content on our own website?

Absolutely, we believe that you should have the ability to update your own website content. We do believe in constraining layout editing within the confines of a tight agreed upon design system, to be sure that elements and layouts are consistent and no website breakages can occur via the CMS. We typically build websites on user-friendly content management systems that allow you to easily make updates and keep your website fresh with new content, with the safety of being able to roll back changes to earlier versions if needed. We provide training on how to use the CMS post-launch.

We typically favor the popular CMS systems SanityWebflow and Laravel Nova.



Tips and tactics to maximize your digital impact

Every team member at Magnet web agency is passionate about learning, sharing, and continually improving their understanding of our digital world. Check out articles, written by our team, for thoughts about topics ranging from SEO to UI/UX, growth marketing, design concepts, AI, technology, the future of the web, and more.