
Constant Contact

Constant Contact is a robust email marketing platform that has been helping small businesses and nonprofits connect with their audiences since 1995. Renowned for its ease of use, extensive template library, and efficient customer support, Constant Contact enables users to create, send, and manage email marketing campaigns with ease. Beyond email, it offers tools for social media marketing, event management, and local business listings, making it a versatile choice for organizations looking to expand their digital marketing efforts.

Core Features of Constant Contact

  • Email Marketing: Offers a wide selection of customizable email templates and a drag-and-drop editor to create professional emails quickly.
  • Contact Management: Provides tools for importing, organizing, and managing contact lists, with segmentation capabilities for targeted campaigns.
  • Marketing Automation: Automates email campaigns based on subscriber actions, such as sending a welcome email to new sign-ups or follow-up emails to non-openers.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Delivers detailed reports on email campaign performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber activity.
  • Social Media Integration: Allows users to manage social media posts and advertising campaigns, broadening the reach of marketing efforts beyond email.

How Can Constant Contact Help Your Website?

  • Drive Engagement and Traffic: By creating targeted and personalized email marketing campaigns, you can encourage subscribers to visit your website and engage with your content.
  • Build Your Subscriber Base: With easy-to-use sign-up forms and landing pages, Constant Contact helps grow your email list and, by extension, your potential customer base.
  • Analyze and Optimize Campaigns: Insightful analytics enable you to understand what resonates with your audience, allowing you to optimize your website content and email strategies for better performance.
  • Streamline Marketing Efforts: The integration of social media and email marketing tools in one platform simplifies your marketing workflow, making it easier to manage and coordinate campaigns.

Popular Alternatives to Constant Contact

  • Mailchimp: Known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive free plan, Mailchimp is a popular choice for businesses starting with email marketing.
  • Campaign Monitor: Offers beautiful design templates and powerful automation features, focusing on simplicity and effectiveness in email marketing.
  • Sendinblue: Provides a suite of marketing and communication tools, including email marketing, SMS campaigns, and marketing automation, with a strong emphasis on transactional emails.

Pros and Cons of Constant Contact versus the Main Alternatives


  • User-friendly platform suitable for those with little to no email marketing experience.
  • Extensive customer support options, including live chat, email, and phone support, providing help when needed.
  • Offers specialized features for event management and local business listings, adding value for certain business types.


  • Compared to some alternatives, it can be more expensive, especially for businesses with large email lists.
  • Some users may find the platform's design and automation capabilities to be less advanced than those offered by competitors like Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor.
  • Lacks the extensive app and service integrations found in more comprehensive marketing platforms.

Our expertise

How we use

Constant Contact

Growth Marketing
Strategy - Multichannel - A/B Testing

Magnet's growth marketing expertise includes formulating effective strategies, optimizing various channels, and analyzing performance to fuel sustainable growth and market expansion.

Brand Strategy
Research - Positioning - Brand Development

Our approach to brand strategy involves comprehensive research and strategy, market positioning, and brand development, ensuring our clients stand out in their respective markets and resonate with their target audience.

API Development
Design - Integration - Management

Magnet excels in designing, integrating, and managing APIs, ensuring seamless communication between different software components and services to create robust and scalable web solutions.

Digital Strategy
Branding - Positioning - Content Marketing

We devise and implement comprehensive digital strategies, focusing on planning and execution, digital innovation, and market analysis to drive growth and enhance online presence.

More technologies

More of the battle-tested web technologies we leverage in our work

We take pride in selecting and mastering the very best web technologies to build websites and web applications that not only scale and perform seamlessly but also enjoy a strong support network from a thriving community, as well as some other key factors that help your business grow into the future.

Tips, tactics and useful insights

Every team member at Magnet web agency is passionate about learning, improving and sharing everything about their field of expertise.